About Us
Hello and welcome!
The Outdoors Gear Closet was born out of three things: 1) A passion for the appreciation, exploration and conservation of the outdoors, 2) The desire to spread this passion and inspire people with our love for the outdoors and 3) The thrill and gratification that comes from enabling people's outdoor adventures by being a part of them.
It is our belief that the world would be better off if more people played outside more often. It is because of this belief that we started OGC.
Here at the OGC we know that it’s not about the gear but about the adventure you go on: It is about the memories you make with family, the laughs you share with friends, the un-awkward silence around a campfire, the feeling of pride once a grueling trail is behind you, and the elation you feel once you finally make that fire roar out of cold wet logs. It is these experiences we want to enable, we want to be a part of your adventure and, if you let us, we’ll be right there with you in the hammering sun, long winding trails and fun cool summer nights.
Although we know you could just walk into the wilderness empty handed (real Stroud style!) a few key pieces of equipment will make the experience a lot more enjoyable, accessible, simpler and safer. Weather you have; absolutely no outdoors gear, are just missing a few things or simply want to try a new product out, you can find what you need right here at OGC, in just a few clicks.
While we understand that the bush is not for everyone, and that work, family, friends, the dog and Netflix keep you busy, we are confident we'll be transforming die-hard urbanites and professional social butterflies into trail stomping, fire starting, star gazing outdoor fanatics in no time! (But first let’s get you out on your 1st camping trip, eh!)
While you will find a great variety of outdoors products and apparel for sale, The Outdoors Gear Closet is a specialized rental business. We aim to give people easy access to camping and outdoor recreation equipment at a fair price while completely eliminating their initial purchase, maintenance and storage costs.
Browse our items and packages, choose what you need, leave what you don't and upgrade what you want. Enter the dates you need the gear for and order, receive your gear at your door and you'll be set to go!