Shipping FAQ

Can I rent outdoor equipment if I live outside of Ontario, Canada?

Unfortunately, not at the moment.

Products under the "Rentals" menu tab, those with date pickers and calendars on the product page are delivered EXCLUSIVELY to addresses in Ontario, Canada (for now we hope).

Is delivery free on equipment rentals?

YES! Rented equipment and Packages are delivered for free (to addresses in Ontario) but a fee of $15 CAD might apply for oversized and/or additional parcels.

Pick up of the equipment is always free as is the return shipping (we always include a return label)

Items for sale, where do you ship those?

Products that are not rented, including; clothing, jewelry, outdoor/recreational equipment, personal, pet or camping/outdoors accessories, home decor, kitchen items, etc ship pretty much world wide (see "Countries we ship to" for a list of countries we ship to by continent).

*taxes, duties, fees and other costs incurred at customs are the responsibility of the buyer

Do you offer Free Shipping?

YES! We offer free shipping to; Ontario, Canada, on orders of $75 CAD or more, Canada-wide on orders over $150 CAD and to the rest of North America (USA+Mexico) on orders above $220 CAD

Additionally, sometimes we run campaigns with free shipping to other countries or offer shipping savers and discounts to orders above a certain value.

Where can I find additional shipping information?

Shipping is confusing, rates vary by destination, number of products per order and the weight and size of the items. To make shipping less confusing you will always find important shipping information and restrictions right on the product page. Additionally, you'll be able to see shipping rates at checkout as well as refer to Fig.1 below for common shipping times.


Fig. 1 - Chart of approximate shipping times (in BUSINESS DAYS) based on destination and product

Clothing & Apparel
(t's, hoodies, hats, etc)
5 - 7 10 - 15 10 - 30 10-30 10 - 30 10-30
Home & Living
(mugs, home and wall art and decor, pillows, blankets, towels, etc)
5 - 7 10 - 15 10 - 30 10-30 10 - 30 10-30
Cellphone cases 5 - 7 10 - 15 10 - 30 10 - 30 10 - 30 10 - 30


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